Monday 10 March 2008

Windy and Wet

Today was not the best day for the garden. Torrential rain fell almost all day, and down by the garage the path was under 2 inches of water. Even the slate path up to the patio was flooded. Either side of the greenhouse path was awash with water, if the water cress seeds were up, they would have loved it!
Out of my kitchen window I could see the puddles of water around the trunk of the silver birch, and the daffodils were bruised and broken by the winds which whipped across the school fields. My tomato, chilli and pepper plants trembled on my bedroom window sill despite the double glazed windows, and the wind howled incessantly outside.
Looking on the bright side, the water butts will be full, the camellias and rhododendrons in their pots love rain water and the blackcurrants I planted over the weekend do not need watering!

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